
I’m going to get in trouble because of an annoying coworker that never stops talking

I work as an office clerk at a law firm, and I used to be the receptionist, but they promoted me to office clerk to help the paralegals and attorneys more, so we got a new receptionist. The new receptionist is sweet, but she does NOT STOP TALKING. She keeps running back and forth to talk to somebody when she could've just stayed at her desk and called them on the phone and stayed by the phone. She constantly complains over and over again about every little thing like the way a paralegal organizes their folder, or the smell of the office, or the phones messing up. I can't even focus on what I'm doing because she's constantly running up to tell me something. I'll be transcribing a memo with my earbuds clearly in and she'll still try to talk me. She does this annoying thing where she says something…

I work as an office clerk at a law firm, and I used to be the receptionist, but they promoted me to office clerk to help the paralegals and attorneys more, so we got a new receptionist. The new receptionist is sweet, but she does NOT STOP TALKING. She keeps running back and forth to talk to somebody when she could've just stayed at her desk and called them on the phone and stayed by the phone. She constantly complains over and over again about every little thing like the way a paralegal organizes their folder, or the smell of the office, or the phones messing up. I can't even focus on what I'm doing because she's constantly running up to tell me something. I'll be transcribing a memo with my earbuds clearly in and she'll still try to talk me. She does this annoying thing where she says something and then goes “riiight? RIIIGHHTTT???”. Lately I've been getting short with her, because I just want her to get the hint that I don't want to talk to her right now. I guess I snapped at her a little today. Now she's complaining to the office manager about how Ive been rude to her and idk what to do. I don't think I would get fired, but I know I'm gonna get talked to soon. How should I say my side of the story? I'm sorry I can't be talkative with her all of the time and match her energy. I am a quiet, reserved person. I feel like all I do is get picked on at this job because I'm the youngest person here. No one ever says anything about how she won't stay at the desk or constantly talks or interrups people. I'm just so sick of this. Everything was fine until she got here.

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