
I’m going to quit this afternoon

I’ve been at my job almost two years. I was only supposed to stay a year. I tried to change my availabilities due to my declining health and my boss freaked out because we’re a small team and if I don’t work Sundays, she has no one. So she screamed at me over the phone, accused me of rumours she’d heard and insulted me. I was shocked that a manager would speak to her employee that way. My bf was in the room and heard the call and he was disgusted at her lack of respect and professionalism. She told me I couldn’t change my availabilities without a doctor’s note which just plain isn’t true at all and called me lazy because I don’t do more than my every day task list during my shift (minimum wage = minimum effort). When I told her about my health problems, she completely…

I’ve been at my job almost two years. I was only supposed to stay a year. I tried to change my availabilities due to my declining health and my boss freaked out because we’re a small team and if I don’t work Sundays, she has no one. So she screamed at me over the phone, accused me of rumours she’d heard and insulted me. I was shocked that a manager would speak to her employee that way. My bf was in the room and heard the call and he was disgusted at her lack of respect and professionalism. She told me I couldn’t change my availabilities without a doctor’s note which just plain isn’t true at all and called me lazy because I don’t do more than my every day task list during my shift (minimum wage = minimum effort). When I told her about my health problems, she completely disregarded them; she claimed to have been given the same diagnosis in the past and she’s fine. Well good for her. But im not her.
I had sent her an email asking for an apology but all I got back was a message letting me know she’s going to try harder to find someone to replace me.

I refuse to work for people who can’t speak to me respectfully and who refuses to have enough maturity to be accountable for their actions. I already have another job offer but she’s been struggling to find someone to do my night shift for months.

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