
I’m having a hard time not comparing customers purchases to my hourly wage.

My employer has been making cuts left and right to the point that we’re now running our store on half of a skeleton crew. We’re open 82 hours a week, corporate is only allowing us to schedule 208 hours. It’s insane. On top of that, I make $10/hour now. It was fine when I was allowed 24 hours a week. Not ideal, but I could manage to get by. Now I’m lucky if I get 2 shifts a week and the resentment is kicking in, HARD. I had a customer today get shitty over a $25 restocking fee for returning a high priced item. I do badly wanted to tell her that her restocking fee was 2.5x what I made in an hour, so maybe chill. Another customer threw a massive fit because I can’t just give her the 15% healthcare workers discount without her showing her ID. She had…

My employer has been making cuts left and right to the point that we’re now running our store on half of a skeleton crew. We’re open 82 hours a week, corporate is only allowing us to schedule 208 hours. It’s insane. On top of that, I make $10/hour now. It was fine when I was allowed 24 hours a week. Not ideal, but I could manage to get by. Now I’m lucky if I get 2 shifts a week and the resentment is kicking in, HARD.

I had a customer today get shitty over a $25 restocking fee for returning a high priced item. I do badly wanted to tell her that her restocking fee was 2.5x what I made in an hour, so maybe chill. Another customer threw a massive fit because I can’t just give her the 15% healthcare workers discount without her showing her ID. She had it on her, she just wanted to berate me over a $1.20 discount.

I have such thin skin about these kinds of interactions lately. I’m so jaded and angry that I can’t afford to pay my bills AND feed myself, so I’m just bitter and it’s getting worse every day. 2 hours into my shift today, I had rung out more in sales than I will earn in the next 2 months. How can a company justify this? I love my store, I love my managers, but these CEOs are fucking greedy assholes.

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