
I’m in need of your help

I'm not one of your kind. I'm actually kind of your enemy. Been in management for almost a decade now. ​ Here is my “problem”. I'm sick of working, but I like the income. Recently, work hasn't been coming to me. My boss almost never talks to me, I don't get new tasks. I spend maybe a half day on real work then wonder when they're going to lay me off. But it hasn't happened. I got a couple of personal projects I want to work on, maybe they'll payoff, maybe not, but its almost all sweat equity. I could do it from my office. My personal computer has the same docking station as my work computer. Easy to just unplug the ethernet, connect to guest wifi, and get my projects done while it looks like I'm working. I have my own office so no issues with people seeing my…

I'm not one of your kind. I'm actually kind of your enemy. Been in management for almost a decade now.

Here is my “problem”. I'm sick of working, but I like the income. Recently, work hasn't been coming to me. My boss almost never talks to me, I don't get new tasks. I spend maybe a half day on real work then wonder when they're going to lay me off. But it hasn't happened.

I got a couple of personal projects I want to work on, maybe they'll payoff, maybe not, but its almost all sweat equity. I could do it from my office. My personal computer has the same docking station as my work computer. Easy to just unplug the ethernet, connect to guest wifi, and get my projects done while it looks like I'm working. I have my own office so no issues with people seeing my screen.

But I find it so hard to focus on personal projects while I am “working”. Like, I feel even if I am doing nothing, it is somehow better to be able to instantly switch into work mode if needed. It may be due to conditioning myself to work as hard as possible and advance.

Help me break my conditioning. You are the only ones who can.

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