
I’m just done with crazy, lazy people

I’m breakfast cook at a small bakery in a small town. The owners are slobs. The son of the owners is beyond lazy. I’ve never opened that I didn’t need to rewash dishes he washes improperly, never came in to a clean grill, he doesn’t even sweep or mop so that needs done before I can start work. This morning, I came in to defrosted chicken in the same tub as defrosted steak and ground beef. The chicken leaked on everything so I wasn’t opening any packages- no way I’m killing someone today with his filth. This idiot uses no utensils- except the grill scraper. I’ve spoken with mom and dad repeatedly but they just tell me they have too much going on to worry about Mo and where he is lacking. These people are late on rent, are on the verge of having our ice maker repossessed, bought a…

I’m breakfast cook at a small bakery in a small town. The owners are slobs. The son of the owners is beyond lazy. I’ve never opened that I didn’t need to rewash dishes he washes improperly, never came in to a clean grill, he doesn’t even sweep or mop so that needs done before I can start work. This morning, I came in to defrosted chicken in the same tub as defrosted steak and ground beef. The chicken leaked on everything so I wasn’t opening any packages- no way I’m killing someone today with his filth. This idiot uses no utensils- except the grill scraper.
I’ve spoken with mom and dad repeatedly but they just tell me they have too much going on to worry about Mo and where he is lacking.
These people are late on rent, are on the verge of having our ice maker repossessed, bought a second hand air conditioner for the kitchen- it doesn’t work btw, and don’t have money to replace the car they just wrecked….. but she buys fairy hair and gets her nails and pedis on a regular. She has money for that bullshit but can’t repair anything we need done.
The stove is so screwed up, I’m down to one of 6 burners. The hood hasn’t been cleaned in over a year.
This morning I came in to find 6 slices of bacon left- he prepped NOTHING for weekend service.
Sunday is our busiest day and I want to quit with flair and watch it implode.
What say you dear anti workers?

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