
I’m just preaching to the choir with this post

…but you're not a lazy piece of shit if you believe that work itself should be abolished for good. And the term “work” meaning the arbitrary 40-hour work week where someone is paid to monitor and scrutinize your every move during an unnecessary eight-hour shift. (Hell, who am I kidding? You now have to work more than 40 just to make end's meet nowadays, thanks to stagnant wages.) Conduct a study on yourself at work: Are you really “productive”, AKA working non-stop during your eight hours? Keep in mind you have to stay an extra hour each day since you clock-out for lunch. I bet you work half of that in a week; 20 hours of actually working. Plus if you're a producer, meaning you make products, do all of your products get sold? If so, do you reap in the profit? Fuck no. The owners get it all as…

…but you're not a lazy piece of shit if you believe that work itself should be abolished for good. And the term “work” meaning the arbitrary 40-hour work week where someone is paid to monitor and scrutinize your every move during an unnecessary eight-hour shift. (Hell, who am I kidding? You now have to work more than 40 just to make end's meet nowadays, thanks to stagnant wages.)

Conduct a study on yourself at work: Are you really “productive”, AKA working non-stop during your eight hours? Keep in mind you have to stay an extra hour each day since you clock-out for lunch. I bet you work half of that in a week; 20 hours of actually working.

Plus if you're a producer, meaning you make products, do all of your products get sold? If so, do you reap in the profit? Fuck no. The owners get it all as they flip a couple of pennies at you every other Friday. And given this economy, I bet most of the products are sent to the trash or discarded merely because they can't make a profit off of them (i.e. food at restaurants, grocery stores). So you're just producing for the sake of producing, pretty much. Kind of like…what's the word? Oh yeah, CANCER.

As for contractor work, like electrical and carpentry, you should get paid by the job–handsomely. You shouldn't be given a measly hourly wage for intensive labor, otherwise you let time itself dictate your performance. Plus time is money; the most valued currency. Why waste your precious currency by toiling? Did you honestly buy that 80k truck out of pocket? No, you financed that car note with probably 18 or more percent interest. Plus if you got compensated fairly, you'd pay more attention to your craftsmanship, do a better job, in other words.

And for the artists out there, especially the thespians and screenwriters, in solidarity. You have every right to demand that you are fairly compensated in the form of residuals from the work you've produced. It's simply exploitation when a studio or record label can capitalize on the product made by you without giving you shit.

The antiquated concept of “work” should be outlawed. It's just irrefutable evidence that the entire system was designed to benefit a very few. Unions are now castrated (I'm not against them but they're proving to be worthless with anti-union legislation and corrupted stewards). We compromise our health, time with family or loved ones and overall happiness for the sake of a pittance. Remember that your employer won't cease operations the day you die out of remembrance. They'll just post an ad on Indeed for your vacancy.

Every policy, labor law, etc. has been designed to extract every little cent out of you. You are the slave, except now with a Netflix subscription and a vehicle made out of plastic.

What are you going to do about it? Enough is enough. You can't even properly start saving your income because inflation is an invisible tax. They figured out every corner, every alternative. We are all in the proverbial corner. The ONLY thing to do is to push back via civil disobedience and assemble peacefully. Enough is a fucking enough. FUCK WORK.

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