
I’m lucky to have this job, and it SUCKS.

(This is longer than I thought, but bring on the criticism) I work for a boss who not only shares profits, but pays us all a living wage. (The minimum living wage, which should be the new phrase.) I work in a profession that I don't have a degree in. But I perform at a level well above my education or experience. It really is amazing, I'm grateful to have a job that pays well while only having my associates degree. ….but a single day off needs to be explained. There are 5 days in a week, and 52 weeks in a year, and you are expected to be there for every. single. one of those days. Don't even get me started on weekends. If a project is due on Monday, you WILL be working the weekend. If it's Monday at 6:00PM and the project is due Tuesday at 7:30AM…

(This is longer than I thought, but bring on the criticism)

I work for a boss who not only shares profits, but pays us all a living wage. (The minimum living wage, which should be the new phrase.)

I work in a profession that I don't have a degree in. But I perform at a level well above my education or experience.

It really is amazing, I'm grateful to have a job that pays well while only having my associates degree.

….but a single day off needs to be explained. There are 5 days in a week, and 52 weeks in a year, and you are expected to be there for every. single. one of those days.

Don't even get me started on weekends. If a project is due on Monday, you WILL be working the weekend. If it's Monday at 6:00PM and the project is due Tuesday at 7:30AM – FINISH IT.

I used to call in once every 6 weeks or so and say “I'll be about an hour late. I didn't sleep well, and I'm exhausted.”

The last time I did it my boss texted me every 5 minutes after I sent that text, saying “hey, where is this project?” or “hey, someone called in and is asking about this project”. (To be clear, these aren't projects that are late, it's just the odd customer calling in and saying “hey, what's the current status on my project?”)

The very first time he texted me that morning I started driving in, I knew he wouldn't stop sending the barrage of messages. I had hellfire in my eyes the whole time. He knew I wanted to sleep for 1 more hour, and so he deliberately texted nonstop to wake me up. I got about 7-8 more texts on my way in (45 minute commute).

And after each text I just thought “he's never done this before…. he's literally making sure I can't sleep. He wants to make sure if I'm an hour late, I can't be sleeping.”. Every text was not important. He could have told the customer “our scheduler is out for the morning, but we will get back to you later today [IN AN HOUR OR SO]”.

None of them would have cared.

The worst part? This dude is the best boss I've ever had. He paid me extra during the pandemic to make sure that I could pay my rent AND THEN SOME. He pays for Monday breakfast for all of us (8 people on average).

In closing, I will admit to having a better boss than most have. But the reality? I work on salary…. that means I can work as much as I have to (50 hours a week) without extra pay. BUT I get paid for the 2 hours I take off for a doctors visit twice a year.

TL;DR – You want a TLDR? I work for a man who pays us great wages, shares profits, and buys breakfast on Monday. BUT We are expected every single day at work, without exception, without vacation, without sick days, without late days. We are salary, but that means we work free overtime, ALWAYS, and are scrutinized on our off time.

I'm glad I work for this lesser version, compared to the nightmare who doesn't pay well on top of everything.

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