
I’m not doing a virtual interview

I've applied to several jobs that have asked me to do a virtual interview. Now I know you're thinking “oh, it's just a zoom meeting. Whats wrong with that?” Nope. They want me to record myself answering prompts. I'm not even talking to a real person. Why on earth would I want to work for a company that can't even be bothered to be in person for the interview? I'm not quite that desperate yet. I have no issue doing phone or video interviews, that's fine. I'm at least speaking to someone and having a conversation. I refuse to work for anyone that can't be bothered to even say hello to me.

I've applied to several jobs that have asked me to do a virtual interview. Now I know you're thinking “oh, it's just a zoom meeting. Whats wrong with that?” Nope. They want me to record myself answering prompts. I'm not even talking to a real person. Why on earth would I want to work for a company that can't even be bothered to be in person for the interview? I'm not quite that desperate yet.

I have no issue doing phone or video interviews, that's fine. I'm at least speaking to someone and having a conversation. I refuse to work for anyone that can't be bothered to even say hello to me.

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