
I’m not meant for this world.

I can’t stand working the job I have and all I want to do is end my life. For context: I work in an office building with my own cubicle, doing menial boring admin work like putting together mail, hospital checks, and submitting medical record requests. This job is easier and better than every other retail, customer service, sales job I’ve ever had. Yet I don’t want to keep living anymore. If this is all life has to offer, I don’t want to keep going. Fuck America, fuck capitalism, fuck the world.

I can’t stand working the job I have and all I want to do is end my life.

For context: I work in an office building with my own cubicle, doing menial boring admin work like putting together mail, hospital checks, and submitting medical record requests.

This job is easier and better than every other retail, customer service, sales job I’ve ever had. Yet I don’t want to keep living anymore.

If this is all life has to offer, I don’t want to keep going.

Fuck America, fuck capitalism, fuck the world.

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