
I’m not paid enough to accept hand cleaning someone period blood jfc

I fucking hate my job… I work at a famous swimsuits and stockings retail shop in France for about two years now. Customers are allowed to try on the swimsuits, including bottoms, as long as they keep their underwear so their private parts don’t touch the swimsuit. Of course, we cannot check if people are respecting this rule or not, and we have quite often little surprises in our products… (that’s a good occasion to remind you to wash everything you buy before you wear it like for real you have no idea how disgusting people are until you work in retail shops) Anyway, after the shop closed last Thursday evening, I was cleaning and rearranging everything. I had the nice little surprise to find a huge period blood stain in a white bikini bottom someone tried on earlier. I said to my boss that we have to get rid…

I fucking hate my job… I work at a famous swimsuits and stockings retail shop in France for about two years now. Customers are allowed to try on the swimsuits, including bottoms, as long as they keep their underwear so their private parts don’t touch the swimsuit.

Of course, we cannot check if people are respecting this rule or not, and we have quite often little surprises in our products… (that’s a good occasion to remind you to wash everything you buy before you wear it like for real you have no idea how disgusting people are until you work in retail shops)

Anyway, after the shop closed last Thursday evening, I was cleaning and rearranging everything. I had the nice little surprise to find a huge period blood stain in a white bikini bottom someone tried on earlier. I said to my boss that we have to get rid of it because the stain was so large like it was so big that the blood spread on other swimsuits that were in the same basket.

My boss looked at me like I said the biggest bullshit she never heard in her life and said « there’s no way we just throw it off, go to the employees room and clean it in the sink and tomorrow morning, we will put it back in the store »

I couldn’t believe my ears… I said « are you asking me to hand clean someone else period blood in the room where we eat with just water and hand soap, and then put it back in the store without proper cleaning ? » She said « yes, that’s exactly what I’m asking » I said no, I can’t take this job anymore. Not only customers talk shit to us everyday, but now this ?

I said « I’m sorry but no, I won’t do it as I feel very uncomfortable with this » She then proceeds to tell me she will file a complaint against me, but I stayed firm and cordial by saying « Again, I’m sorry but I won’t do it, I’m very uncomfortable with this. I understand if you want to file a complaint though, feel free to do so, I will explain myself and the situation to HR without problem » She looked mad lmao, then I took a picture of the swimsuits just in case so I can eventually show it to HR if I need to

At this point, if she wanna file a complaint well i don’t give a single duck. I don’t care anymore. I hate everything about this job and I’m not paid enough with my minimum wage to accept to clean someone else’s period blood

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