
I’m not stressed about getting laid off because I have savings and experience

This should be how every worker feels. My employer is bleeding money from shitty management and workers who quit from being over worker and underpaid including me. Well, I saved all my money by living rent free with my parents awhile ago, and now that I'm on my own with rent I have enough to cover me for months. I'm not stressed at work, I don't care if they fire me. This is how workers should always feel. Instead it's like we have a Boulder pressing on us, ready to crash us if we make one wrong move.

This should be how every worker feels. My employer is bleeding money from shitty management and workers who quit from being over worker and underpaid including me.

Well, I saved all my money by living rent free with my parents awhile ago, and now that I'm on my own with rent I have enough to cover me for months. I'm not stressed at work, I don't care if they fire me.

This is how workers should always feel. Instead it's like we have a Boulder pressing on us, ready to crash us if we make one wrong move.

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