
I’m not sure if I like my job

I just started my new job in May of this year. So, it’s only been about 2months that I’ve been working here. The majority of my employment history includes non-profit organizations. With that being said, I’m used to working in environments that are understaffed, siloed, cliques, and no one ever knows the “budget”. I’m Basically the executive directors right hand for all programs, events and administrative support. I had a relationship with the organization before joining the staff; I’m a content creator and I use their studios to produce my work. I’m not sure if I like my job or my colleagues yet. Don’t get me wrong , everyone is nice , helpful, & polite. But whenever I attend meetings , they seem so unorganized. Most of the staff has worked for the organization for at least a minimum 5yrs with the senior staff having about 10-14yrs under their belt.…

I just started my new job in May of this year. So, it’s only been about 2months that I’ve been working here. The majority of my employment history includes non-profit organizations. With that being said, I’m used to working in environments that are understaffed, siloed, cliques, and no one ever knows the “budget”.

I’m Basically the executive directors right hand for all programs, events and administrative support. I had a relationship with the organization before joining the staff; I’m a content creator and I use their studios to produce my work.

I’m not sure if I like my job or my colleagues yet. Don’t get me wrong , everyone is nice , helpful, & polite. But whenever I attend meetings , they seem so unorganized. Most of the staff has worked for the organization for at least a minimum 5yrs with the senior staff having about 10-14yrs under their belt. The organization is small but growing . We have at least 20-32 staff members some of which are seasonal, part-time, or contracted. Whenever new ideas are introduced the staff come across résistent or disinterested which is challenging to navigate as a new hire who isn’t familiar with the work culture yet.

Maybe I’m just complaining and there’s nothing to be concerned about but I’m not sure if I fit in with the team. In meetings, everyone is talking around me . As a new staff member, I legit have no idea what they’re talking about half the time . My ED is hands off and that approach doesn’t work for me.

I’m curious, how long does it take for a new employee to get comfortable at their job ? The money is “decent” but unfortunately, I’m one of those people that need to feel connected to their work. With that being said, if the connection doesn’t happen within a year then I’ll probably start the process of looking for new work .

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