
I’m on the brink of financial collapse after months of rejection and an employer just turned me down for being “too talented for such a low-level job”

I don't even know what to think anymore. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point. I don't know what the powers that be want of me anymore. I have been applying for jobs for almost a year now and it's just been a vicious cycle of rejection. Only twice in dozens of applications did I get invited for an interview, both times to no avail (the job market in my field is extremely competitive). The situation has gotten progressively more desperate as my finances are seriously getting tight, and I'm reaching the point where I won't be able to pay for anything anymore. Then, two months ago, I FINALLY met an employer who actually believed in me and my abilities. Not just ANY employer, mind you, a good one. A famous one in my country. I felt like I had struck gold. The initial position I…

I don't even know what to think anymore. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point. I don't know what the powers that be want of me anymore.

I have been applying for jobs for almost a year now and it's just been a vicious cycle of rejection. Only twice in dozens of applications did I get invited for an interview, both times to no avail (the job market in my field is extremely competitive). The situation has gotten progressively more desperate as my finances are seriously getting tight, and I'm reaching the point where I won't be able to pay for anything anymore. Then, two months ago, I FINALLY met an employer who actually believed in me and my abilities. Not just ANY employer, mind you, a good one. A famous one in my country. I felt like I had struck gold. The initial position I applied for proved impossible for practical reasons, which absolutely shattered me. However, after a month, the employer got back to me saying they had some freelance positions to fill and immediately thought of me. The new function is a watered-down, less exciting version of the old one, but I don't care at this point because I love the company and I have to start somewhere, and also I need money. To apply, I only had to do an assignment they use to see if people have what it takes.

Even though it's just freelance, I REALLY want that position and I also DESPERATELY need it. So naturally, I did my utmost best to nail this assignment and by doing so finally find a way towards financial security and a purpose in life. It worked; I fucking CRUSHED the assignment. Shouldn't have done that, apparently.

I received a message from the employer, whom I now know quite well after two months of emailing back and forth, that basically said I won't get the job because my answers on the assignment were way too good and they're certain I would get bored if they hired me. They said that they'd like to invite me over to discuss my aspirations, saying, “While I don't have any openings now, you may very well be the perfect candidate for any potential future, higher-level positions”.

While a part of me is flattered, I do not have the time to wait for a future possibility. I need work NOW. I get being apprehensive about hiring someone who is overqualified for a major full-time job, but this is a freelance position where you basically schedule your own hours, so I don't get what the big deal is. I don't care if it's boring, I need to not be broke. Besides, if this doesn't work out, I'll have to go work at a grocery store or something just to make ends meet anyway. How privileged must they be to think anyone just has the luxury to be able to wait for something more on their level? Millions, billions of people are overqualified for their jobs, but they do them anyway so that they don't starve. This employer is the only person who has believed in me over the past year. There is no alternative.

For once, I'm not accepting rejection. I am absolutely planning on challenging this. Wish me luck and if you have any useful tips, please let me hear them.

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