
I’m pissed at past generations for not preserving the quality of life they enjoyed for future generations, rant

I am Canadian and Gen Z. I didn't have the opportunity for college because I was out on my own by 17. Despite being a straight A student I had to decide between survival and school, and obviously I chose survival, dropped out and started working. I figured, that's OK, I'll just make lemonade with these fucking lemons, whatever. I became a prep cook to make ends meet, and worked my way onto the line. I figured I wont ever be comfy, but at least I'll have an apartment and be able to afford food. I was making more money at 18 then I am at 24 with inflation, despite multiple raises and doing my best to increase my income. I make 22/hr now and I can't even afford my own apartment and live with roommates. Average single family home where I am costs 970k (with conversions that's 5k more…

I am Canadian and Gen Z. I didn't have the opportunity for college because I was out on my own by 17. Despite being a straight A student I had to decide between survival and school, and obviously I chose survival, dropped out and started working. I figured, that's OK, I'll just make lemonade with these fucking lemons, whatever. I became a prep cook to make ends meet, and worked my way onto the line. I figured I wont ever be comfy, but at least I'll have an apartment and be able to afford food. I was making more money at 18 then I am at 24 with inflation, despite multiple raises and doing my best to increase my income. I make 22/hr now and I can't even afford my own apartment and live with roommates. Average single family home where I am costs 970k (with conversions that's 5k more then a house in New york city, not state, CITY) average rent is 2.4k. And I don't even live in a big city. 20 years ago I would be chillin. Not rich, but not poor and self sufficient at least. Now we can't even have that. I'm so pissed that past generations couldn't manage to preserve the quality of life they enjoyed for future generations. And then I'm told it's my fault for being dumb enough to think I could get by without a degree, when past generations could get by without a degree just fine. Hell, in past generations you could afford to work part time and go to school and still meet all your needs. Now you can barely afford shelter when youre working fulltime. At least I'm not in debt I guess.

The affordability crisis is stopping young people from being able to move forward. A lot of us with no family support are trapped in survival jobs, with the threat of homelessness if we deviate. People being forced into being perma renters when they would otherwise be homeowners clogs up the rental supply, shoving the lowest earners into homelessness. People trapped in survival jobs limits their ability to realize their true potential. It's a chain reaction where year over year everyone's quality of life gets worse and worse. Most people in this sub are office workers, so think about how freakin comfortable you would be if this wasnt happening. Youd probably own a home by now and be super comfy with more then enough left over. Doesnt that make you so angry? It's appalling. I thought we where supposed to get better every generation but I guess not.

And the cherry on top is that our government squanders our money on things that do nothing to better our country. I am not anti taxes. I would gladly pay more taxes if it meant less people suffering and our collective quality of life improving. But alas. Let's spend our money on war and keeping exploitative corporations fat and happy, and monopolies alive and well. And let's not tax the people creating pollution, or the rich, or incentivise the production of green energy. Let's tax consumers for having no other options. I don't have a car and I never will, because a) I can't afford one and b) I don't want to support an industry that makes 100 million dollars a day and can't even shell out a little bit to reduce carbon emissions.

Anyways. I'm bitter. I dream of doing political assassinations and watching the housing market crash and burn and bankrupting anyone who makes profit off poverty or the destruction of our planet, or basic human needs. Is this how terrorists are created? Don't worry, I won't listen to my intrusive thoughts telling me to do a political murder. It's too much work and I'm in a constant state of burnout lmao. I would, however, be down to burn shit like they do in France when there's a threat to their working class rights. It would probably be cathartic as fuck.

Ok. I think that's it. Just had to get this off my chest. I hope you have a fantastic day.

Side note: are any American men/women in the sub looking for a Canadian wife? I won't do terrorism, and I can cook real good, and I'm great at budgeting and saving money. I'll pay my share (line cooks make more $$ in America) I know a lot about permaculture and growing your own food to help keep our food costs low, and I will treat you well despite using you for a green card. Then we can write a book about our bizarre romance and make loads of money, and use that money to undermine this sham of an economy in some way. Bonus points: I'm an orphan so you won't have to deal with in laws. Let me know…just kidding…kinda.

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