
I’m pretty sure I just got terminated because of the companies failure to properly train people

Yesterday after clocking out from my wfh job, I got an email letting me know I was terminated with no reason given. Since the beginning, the training I've gotten has been abysmal and I did try to advocate for better training but had my concerns minimized and brushed off. The training we got was basically like if you went to an algebra class and the teacher gave you ONLY the questions and answers, not teaching you how to work with the formula. They didn't teach me how to actually use the system or find answers on my own so I was having to ask a zillion questions a day. Eventually I got tired of constantly asking for help that may or may not actually be helpful, so I stopped asking repeatedly for help on the same issue. Any time I expressed wanting more training I was told 'it takes a…

Yesterday after clocking out from my wfh job, I got an email letting me know I was terminated with no reason given. Since the beginning, the training I've gotten has been abysmal and I did try to advocate for better training but had my concerns minimized and brushed off. The training we got was basically like if you went to an algebra class and the teacher gave you ONLY the questions and answers, not teaching you how to work with the formula. They didn't teach me how to actually use the system or find answers on my own so I was having to ask a zillion questions a day.

Eventually I got tired of constantly asking for help that may or may not actually be helpful, so I stopped asking repeatedly for help on the same issue. Any time I expressed wanting more training I was told 'it takes a year for people to really get the hang of this' or some similar, dismissive statement. When I made a big stink about the lack of training and it got back to my supervisor, she tried to claim she had no idea I was struggling. Myself and the entire class of trainees felt this was stupid, but I was definitely the loudest about it.

The last three days I've been trying to complete one thing, 1st day I found out I was missing info so I had to contact the client. 2nd day I'm still missing info so I reach out to the client again, finally yesterday I got it done right before work ended because that's how long it took for someone to help me. This was a task I had never done before but they expected me to be able to do it on my own with no instructions?!

My supervisor has been bitching about all of us trainees not progressing fast enough, but we're all doing our best with what we have. Even though all of us are the same amount of behind, they refuse to aknowledge the poor training as the reason. Despite suggesting various solutions, they were all shot down and we were told we'd just have to figure it out. The scary part is this job is contracted to the government and handles critical services like SNAP and TAFI. A mistake made by an employee can result in interruption or loss of those important services. They barely trained us and then threw us into handling live cases with little to no review or support.

I'm so pissy, I knew I shouldn't have expected much from a job that involves the US government, but this is embarrassing. The fact management refuses to have a cumb of self awareness is also sketchy as hell, how are you going to blame an entire class of trainees for being behind, instead of the trainer?! In general, I noticed a theme of being chronically over worked, under paid and under supported. There's a work place norm of not knowing how to do the job we're hired for, and I think that's pretty disturbing.

I doubt there's anything legal I can do here, but I needed to vent that.

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