
I’m really good at what I do, and I’ve gotten functionally negative raises for the past two years.

I've been doing this job for a really long time. I'm really good at it. Everyone says I'm a joy to work with, am a team player, good at moderating conflicts (despite my constant sarcasm). We do get a raise every year, but with the current level of inflation and the rising cost of healthcare, 4-5% doesn't keep up. My take home pay will be less next year than it is this year, due to the health insurance deduction going up. Therefore, I do less. I'm “super busy” right now and I'll get to your task when I have time, in about two weeks. Everyone I work with is burned out. Upper management pushes harder and harder to get projects out faster and faster. Basically, I'm doing bare minimum to keep from getting fired at this point. Good thing I'm super efficient.

I've been doing this job for a really long time. I'm really good at it. Everyone says I'm a joy to work with, am a team player, good at moderating conflicts (despite my constant sarcasm). We do get a raise every year, but with the current level of inflation and the rising cost of healthcare, 4-5% doesn't keep up. My take home pay will be less next year than it is this year, due to the health insurance deduction going up.

Therefore, I do less. I'm “super busy” right now and I'll get to your task when I have time, in about two weeks. Everyone I work with is burned out. Upper management pushes harder and harder to get projects out faster and faster. Basically, I'm doing bare minimum to keep from getting fired at this point. Good thing I'm super efficient.

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