
I’m reporting a cw for verbal abuse

I've decided to meet with our HR rep tomorrow due to a male cw verbal abuse. The final straw was him screaming at me during a call while I was on vacation. I have documented 4 similar incidents with dates over the past year and had my spouse (an attorney) read over the documentation. We both have about 10yrs w/ the company. He's already been demoted once due to similar behavior in another dept. My boss is aware but just says I sense frustration I just want to be able to do my work and not have to be afraid a cw is going to attack me. So why am I freaking out rn and afraid I will be labeled the hysterical female??

I've decided to meet with our HR rep tomorrow due to a male cw verbal abuse. The final straw was him screaming at me during a call while I was on vacation. I have documented 4 similar incidents with dates over the past year and had my spouse (an attorney) read over the documentation. We both have about 10yrs w/ the company. He's already been demoted once due to similar behavior in another dept. My boss is aware but just says I sense frustration I just want to be able to do my work and not have to be afraid a cw is going to attack me. So why am I freaking out rn and afraid I will be labeled the hysterical female??

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