
I’m sad working in an office 8.5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Half the time I don’t have shit to do. Most of my building works remote and so did I until I got a new boss who sucks. I’m finding myself more and more depressed everyday and the weekends fly by. Only 15 PTO days a year with no sick time.

I want kids and a family but my partner and I have no idea how we would even afford childcare. And maternity leave at my company is only 2 months with only 60% of my pay. Idk, I went to school and did all the “right” things. I wish I became a cop or something where I could retire early cause this shit absolutely fucking sucks.

I want kids and a family but my partner and I have no idea how we would even afford childcare. And maternity leave at my company is only 2 months with only 60% of my pay. Idk, I went to school and did all the “right” things. I wish I became a cop or something where I could retire early cause this shit absolutely fucking sucks.

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