
I’m saying goodbye to r/lostgeneration for good

Let me start by saying that I'm am american millenial who likes to think he understands the massive injustices that us little people are facing, especially the younger folks. For a long time, I closely identified with a lot of what was said in that sub, but as I've started posting some of my own comments in there, I've found that it's full of all forms of toxicity: everything from verbal abuse to racism. Now, I'm not going to pretend that I'm a saint, but the sheer numbers of downvotes I've gotten in there for simply bringing a little bit of reason to some of those discussions is shocking, to say the least. Obviously, not everyone in there is going to act as I've described, but it certainly feels like an echo chamber full of toxic and divisive one-liners which serve to do nothing but tear people down in one…

Let me start by saying that I'm am american millenial who likes to think he understands the massive injustices that us little people are facing, especially the younger folks. For a long time, I closely identified with a lot of what was said in that sub, but as I've started posting some of my own comments in there, I've found that it's full of all forms of toxicity: everything from verbal abuse to racism.

Now, I'm not going to pretend that I'm a saint, but the sheer numbers of downvotes I've gotten in there for simply bringing a little bit of reason to some of those discussions is shocking, to say the least. Obviously, not everyone in there is going to act as I've described, but it certainly feels like an echo chamber full of toxic and divisive one-liners which serve to do nothing but tear people down in one way or another.

I'm tired of it and I'm done. I've unsubbed and even muted it, and I recommend to everyone else that you stay away from it as well; it's not a healthy place to be (which is, honestly, a shame).

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