
I’m screaming at my current living situation.

My job in the office as a regular fulfillment associate is making it clear that they don’t want to pay me enough to support myself. I’m 27 and I’m still living at home. I hate everything about it because I’m still paying off my student loans (about $1500 a month). I just want a 1 bedroom apartment and it’s crushing my self confidence. The worst thing about this is everything around me is becoming a trigger for it as people will talk about their places and what they do and which guests hey had over for dinner on the evening. Stuff like that. The worst part is my coworkers, who are really nice, are saying I’m becoming irritable. I’m just really angry and kinda distressed about this and what I’m missing out on. Anyway, does ANYONE have anything similar they’re going through? Sometimes I feel alone in this regard.

My job in the office as a regular fulfillment associate is making it clear that they don’t want to pay me enough to support myself. I’m 27 and I’m still living at home. I hate everything about it because I’m still paying off my student loans (about $1500 a month).

I just want a 1 bedroom apartment and it’s crushing my self confidence. The worst thing about this is everything around me is becoming a trigger for it as people will talk about their places and what they do and which guests hey had over for dinner on the evening. Stuff like that. The worst part is my coworkers, who are really nice, are saying I’m becoming irritable.

I’m just really angry and kinda distressed about this and what I’m missing out on.

Anyway, does ANYONE have anything similar they’re going through? Sometimes I feel alone in this regard.

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