
I’m sick and everyone around me insists I should be working

I don’t understand this mindset at all. I got sick last weekend (thanks to my manager) and since then I’ve been coughing non stop, serious shortness of breath and a wheeze in my lungs. I struggle to walk up the stairs without needing to stop at the top and breathe/wheeze. Covid test was negative. I think I shouldn’t be going into work like this but everyone in my life insists I should be going in today because if I don’t I’m losing out on money. My health should come first though, no? I don’t understand why my family, including my partner, insist I should suck it up and go in anyway. I work in a restaurant. It’s stressful and tiring and I currently can’t imagine working tonight when I need an inhaler after going up a few steps or walking too fast. Am I the fucking weird one?

I don’t understand this mindset at all. I got sick last weekend (thanks to my manager) and since then I’ve been coughing non stop, serious shortness of breath and a wheeze in my lungs. I struggle to walk up the stairs without needing to stop at the top and breathe/wheeze. Covid test was negative.

I think I shouldn’t be going into work like this but everyone in my life insists I should be going in today because if I don’t I’m losing out on money. My health should come first though, no? I don’t understand why my family, including my partner, insist I should suck it up and go in anyway. I work in a restaurant. It’s stressful and tiring and I currently can’t imagine working tonight when I need an inhaler after going up a few steps or walking too fast. Am I the fucking weird one?

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