
I’m sick of my job, and my job makes me sick, I want to beat the perpetually broken copier

Just venting here: I work at as an admin at an office….It wasn't bad the first year, reasonably easy, kind of boring. Then this year my co-worker went on medical leave. I had to take all of her work plus another admin found a new job so I had to take on their tasks as well. So now 3 jobs for the price of one. The price $16/hr for 3 people's jobs, the company is also on a hiring and raise freeze. I don't see this lifting anytime soon. This job has become beyond stressful, from the lack of training on doing these other workers' jobs, the office I am in is old so I am starting to get sick building syndrome (headaches, dry eye, sore throat etc), I sit on my ass all day, and just generally have to do shit I absolutely have no idea what I am…

Just venting here:

I work at as an admin at an office….It wasn't bad the first year, reasonably easy, kind of boring. Then this year my co-worker went on medical leave. I had to take all of her work plus another admin found a new job so I had to take on their tasks as well. So now 3 jobs for the price of one. The price $16/hr for 3 people's jobs, the company is also on a hiring and raise freeze. I don't see this lifting anytime soon.

This job has become beyond stressful, from the lack of training on doing these other workers' jobs, the office I am in is old so I am starting to get sick building syndrome (headaches, dry eye, sore throat etc), I sit on my ass all day, and just generally have to do shit I absolutely have no idea what I am doing nor want to do. I walked in today giving zero fucks. I keep coming in late, take longer lunches than I should, and leave early because I one, don't get paid enough and two, I don't care anymore. I have important things that are due soon but instead of working on them, here I am on Reddit. Oh and on top of this shitty full-time job, I work 2 part-time jobs.

I do have an exit plan and I wish it could be implemented sooner than later but I have some life stuff that has to keep me here until April/May. Part of me wants to get fired so I can go collect unemployment for a little while and have a break, but I am pretty sure one of my part-time jobs would prevent me from being able to collect. Anyway, I feel stuck at the moment, and I hate wasting my time and feeling no purpose. Plus I am one more “the copier is down again, can you fix it?” comment away from losing my shit. (do I look like fucking copier repair person?!) I want to take that thing into a field and beat it with a bat office space style.

I know people have it a lot worse than I d,o and my complaints are just trivial but I guess here I sit with $27 to my name, no gas in my car, watching medical bills pile up, being annoyed as fuck by this stupid job, looking for someone to commiserate with me. Please I encourage you, to vent to me about how much you hate your job!

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