
I’m so discouraged, frustrated, and ready to rage quit

3 months ago an employee went on FMLA. I was randomly assigned her duties for 2 weeks until her return. These duties included data entry of over 200 employee training files on a massive spreadsheet, tracking down missing training (this is partially why we got a warning letter from the FDA), and following up on training completions to make sure the company is covered. I discovered multiple employees had zero training records and successfully got them caught up on paperwork before the FDA inspection. 2 weeks turned into 3 months and the employee I was covering for was eventually let go. This employee didn’t do shit. Her supervisor worked out of office and didn’t know what was going on. There was paperwork everywhere. Missing files. Just a mess. I fixed everything up and saved us from a potential FDA audit nightmare. Her supervisor has been so thankful that I “stepped…

3 months ago an employee went on FMLA. I was randomly assigned her duties for 2 weeks until her return. These duties included data entry of over 200 employee training files on a massive spreadsheet, tracking down missing training (this is partially why we got a warning letter from the FDA), and following up on training completions to make sure the company is covered. I discovered multiple employees had zero training records and successfully got them caught up on paperwork before the FDA inspection.

2 weeks turned into 3 months and the employee I was covering for was eventually let go. This employee didn’t do shit. Her supervisor worked out of office and didn’t know what was going on. There was paperwork everywhere. Missing files. Just a mess. I fixed everything up and saved us from a potential FDA audit nightmare. Her supervisor has been so thankful that I “stepped up” to fix everything. Mind you this is NOT MY DEPARTMENT. I had to balance my actual job alongside the duties assigned to me at the same time. All I got from upper management was a thank you and tomato basil soup. Finally a replacement was hired but I still have to help out until she can fully merge into her role by herself over the next month.

My coworkers told me I’m being overworked and need to ask for more compensation. I was hesitant because I knew the answer. Last week I found the courage to ask for merit based pay raise and was instantly told no. “20 other people have asked and we can’t do anything right now about that or bonuses”.

Tell me why today my coworker told me she just got promoted. MIND YOU she also got a pay raise in December when she asked for more pay out of the blue.

I put in all this work just to be lied to. I’m very tempted to talk to the General Manager whom I have a stronger relationship with. The other part of me just wants to give up. I’m so tired of being used, abused, and treated like I’m worthless. I’m SO TIRED OF WORK POLITICS. You apparently have to buy gifts for management to even be considered for merit based pay raises.

I’m trying to leave this hell hole of a company but it’s impossible to get hired anywhere. Idk what to do anymore. I’m starting to lose it.

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