
I’m so f’in tired of being an easy target

I dont know what I'm doing wrong… im so exhausted from it and it kills my mood every single day. I started a new sales job about 6 months ago at a dealer, but its a small town and most people working there know each other from school/college. I'm not from here, and idk if that's what is making me an easy target or what. I get mocked and joked at and made fun of constantly. I can't ask the same questions to my sales managers as others who work here, and I'm always told to wait with getting help – whereas another individual will get helped immediately because they're “buddies”. I cant complain to HR because she has no pull, and my manager is the owners son. I'm tired of being an easy target. I'm tired of getting made fun of. I'm tired of the constant mocking and not…

I dont know what I'm doing wrong… im so exhausted from it and it kills my mood every single day.

I started a new sales job about 6 months ago at a dealer, but its a small town and most people working there know each other from school/college.

I'm not from here, and idk if that's what is making me an easy target or what. I get mocked and joked at and made fun of constantly. I can't ask the same questions to my sales managers as others who work here, and I'm always told to wait with getting help – whereas another individual will get helped immediately because they're “buddies”.

I cant complain to HR because she has no pull, and my manager is the owners son. I'm tired of being an easy target. I'm tired of getting made fun of. I'm tired of the constant mocking and not getting straight answers. I'm just fucking tired.

I like the work. I like helping people. I like selling. I like my paychecks and working at my pace. But god dammit am I tired of being their punching bag just because I didn't grow up here. I dont want to keep bouncing around jobs because I finally found a spot that pays me for working at my pace and I'm making good money – but I just hate waking up each morning knowing this is how I'm going to get treated.

I just wish I knew what I was doing that makes me this way… I try to be caring and understand people's situations. It makes me good at sales. I'm competing at the top of the board every month. But it's so depressing knowing I have no allies or backup.

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