
I’m so sick of being used by employers

I've been job hunting now for 3 months. I'm a social media manager and digital marketer with extensive experience globally. I've never had issues finding work until recently. I've had multiple interviews only to either be ghosted or asked to do numerous amounts of free, unpaid work to be granted a follow up interview (in which I always categorically refuse – especially when they ask me to produce free work for their actual current clients). It happened again. I went for a role at a company. We had a phone call which went well. Then a follow up interview over Zoom for over an hour with 2 staff members the following week. They asked me extensive lines of questioning and I provided my experience and expertise with examples. They wrote down all my ideas. It seemed to go really well. They said they would email me with feedback and let…

I've been job hunting now for 3 months. I'm a social media manager and digital marketer with extensive experience globally. I've never had issues finding work until recently.

I've had multiple interviews only to either be ghosted or asked to do numerous amounts of free, unpaid work to be granted a follow up interview (in which I always categorically refuse – especially when they ask me to produce free work for their actual current clients).

It happened again. I went for a role at a company. We had a phone call which went well. Then a follow up interview over Zoom for over an hour with 2 staff members the following week.

They asked me extensive lines of questioning and I provided my experience and expertise with examples. They wrote down all my ideas. It seemed to go really well. They said they would email me with feedback and let me know when the technical interview is this week.

And…they've vanished. I gave them a follow up email thanking them for their time and laminated how passionate I am about the role last week. Nothing. No response. No feedback. No follow up. Zero.

I feel used. Now I think back, she was writing down my answers when I gave them ideas for potential strategies. Now they've ghosted me.

I honestly give up. This must have been the 10th time in the last 3 months I've either been asked to do free, unpaid tasks to get another interview or straight up been ghosted. This is exhausting. I don't remember the job market being this cut throat before. I've never had issues finding roles in the past either because of my qualifications and experience.

I'm honestly throwing in the towel.

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