
I’m suspecting bullying happening in this Chipotle I’ve been going to. I can’t tell for sure.

So while I’m at the line getting my food, I overheard a white lady worker saying this to a Mexican girl worker: “ if you ever snuck on me again, I will put a bell on your head” ??? I can’t tell what she said for sure. And I don’t even know when she meant in the last part. She could be joking… And sorry for bring race into this. I just kinda felt really bad at that moment.

So while I’m at the line getting my food, I overheard a white lady worker saying this to a Mexican girl worker: “ if you ever snuck on me again, I will put a bell on your head” ???

I can’t tell what she said for sure. And I don’t even know when she meant in the last part. She could be joking…

And sorry for bring race into this. I just kinda felt really bad at that moment.

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