
I’m thinking about quitting my 9-5 office job to go back to part time jobs

So some back story. I'm 27f graduated college 2 yrs ago and still live with my mom. I recently got a job making $45k and year working 40hrs a week 8:30am to 5:30pm. This job is not worth it at all. I used to work at Amazon 3days a week 12hr shifts. And that sucked but I think working 5days sucks more. Plus at the new job I'm only making $200 more a month than I was at Amazon. Just 40hrs a week (plus commute and everything) for less than $3k a month isn't worth it at all. With this pay I still can't even afford my own place. So I'm working all the time, I'm miserable, and I'm not even making enough to actually progress in life. Wtf. With this job I have no freaking time to myself at all. I haven't been eating or sleeping due to the…

So some back story. I'm 27f graduated college 2 yrs ago and still live with my mom.

I recently got a job making $45k and year working 40hrs a week 8:30am to 5:30pm.

This job is not worth it at all. I used to work at Amazon 3days a week 12hr shifts. And that sucked but I think working 5days sucks more. Plus at the new job I'm only making $200 more a month than I was at Amazon. Just 40hrs a week (plus commute and everything) for less than $3k a month isn't worth it at all. With this pay I still can't even afford my own place. So I'm working all the time, I'm miserable, and I'm not even making enough to actually progress in life. Wtf.

With this job I have no freaking time to myself at all. I haven't been eating or sleeping due to the anxiety of never having me time and just the job in general. It's customer service, which the job application title was very misleading. I had no idea I'd be answering phones.

I just literally can't do this.

I just don't want my mom to think I'm a loser for quitting a “good job” to go back to part time.

We have one more year on the lease and my plan was to work part time, and start a YouTube channel or TikTok or something for extra money. Every single person that's started on one of those platforms says it was the best choice the ever made.

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