
i’m three days into my new retail job and I’m already at witts end.

i’ve been unemployed since i graduated college, i have a Bachelors and some good work experience, (manager for the last 2 years of the last 3 i’ve worked in a library, and before that worked food service). lots of the library jobs(or similar type of jobs) in my area move veeeery slow to hire, like three months upwards, i’ve been unemployed for awhile and decided i just needed a job to get me through because i cannot be sitting around just getting no’s three months later. (obviously i’m applying to more than one job at a time but you get the jist, i was out of savings) i got a shitty retail job, my first day was saturday. ive cashiered a total of 4 hours and am already being hounded about how i haven’t sold any credit cards, the literal second day my my manager called me to ask if…

i’ve been unemployed since i graduated college, i have a Bachelors and some good work experience, (manager for the last 2 years of the last 3 i’ve worked in a library, and before that worked food service).

lots of the library jobs(or similar type of jobs) in my area move veeeery slow to hire, like three months upwards, i’ve been unemployed for awhile and decided i just needed a job to get me through because i cannot be sitting around just getting no’s three months later. (obviously i’m applying to more than one job at a time but you get the jist, i was out of savings)

i got a shitty retail job, my first day was saturday. ive cashiered a total of 4 hours and am already being hounded about how i haven’t sold any credit cards, the literal second day my my manager called me to ask if i could be in in an hour when i was told the day before it was four hours later than that (i’m a 40 minute commute away, i live in the middle of nowhere which is a part of my problem finding work). i haven’t even been given access to my schedule they just tell me at the end of my shift to be here next on this day and this time. (and then my manager ig calls me to come in at another time and denies he ever told me the previous one??)

it’s seasonal and i really cannot afford to not have a job rn, im like out of money, but i’ve already had panic attacks on my day off abt work (todays my first day off) and cried multiple times the last three days. will this get better? am i overreacting?

i’ve worked food service before so i expected this, i just feel so utterly defeated that i’m back to this after a bachelors degree. does anybody have any advice on how to get through for awhile and not let the job destroy you? i can’t even consistently have therapy bc my schedule is different every week.

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