
I’m tired

I'm at my breaking point. I live in a 3rd world country going through a very rough period. My work doesn't have value, merely 400 USD a month for a frontend dev job + Python automation role. I work 9-6 every day without any raises or improvement in conditions. I am stuck at my pay range and seniority range (junior dev, which is to be expected though) because the company doesn't want to increase expenses, they just sacked 5 employees the past week alone. Can't get any other job, sent over 1000 applications for months, only to get a couple interviews that led nowhere. Pure ghosting and disrespect. I have experience and have studied many languages, frameworks… The market is too rough it seems, or I'm just missing some quality. I can't afford to live alone, and for what? To spend my whole salary surviving, anxious, alone? I have no…

I'm at my breaking point.

I live in a 3rd world country going through a very rough period. My work doesn't have value, merely 400 USD a month for a frontend dev job + Python automation role. I work 9-6 every day without any raises or improvement in conditions.

I am stuck at my pay range and seniority range (junior dev, which is to be expected though) because the company doesn't want to increase expenses, they just sacked 5 employees the past week alone. Can't get any other job, sent over 1000 applications for months, only to get a couple interviews that led nowhere. Pure ghosting and disrespect. I have experience and have studied many languages, frameworks… The market is too rough it seems, or I'm just missing some quality.

I can't afford to live alone, and for what? To spend my whole salary surviving, anxious, alone? I have no significant other, no one to truly rely on and help me. My friends are busy, alienated, and I can't expect them to help me out. My family is the reason I'm still here, probably. They give me a place to live and don't judge me for it (at least not too harshly). All I get from society is to “stand up, make decisions, be a man!”, they expect you to solve everything by yourself and not bother them. Don't ask for anything, work hard and shut up. All your problems are your fault, etc., etc. Pure neoliberal logic.

I don't know what to do. I could try and move abroad, I have family in Europe, but this makes me really anxious and sad. Why does life have to be like this? Why isn't anything rational?

We work more than before, produce more than before, and yet we are exploited more, alienated, poorer. Capitalism makes no sense and it's going to destroy our society, lead to increasing disparity, thinking about how this managed to become the rulling system makes me really depressed. I see no way out.

Thanks for reading.

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