
I’m tired and demotivated

A little about me is that I’m a Dip. student who is currently doing industrial training (intern) for 3 months. I applied the company as a graphic designer only and it’s my first time working too. I work at a small company where my employer (also the owner) has 4 children who work under him and let me tell you, it is hell. I work on a different floor than my employer with two of his daughters which is the Art Director and (?) [I don’t really know what the other one does]. Both of them would rarely come to work. Absence in communication, planning etc. happens every single day. Since they barely come to work as they state they’re WFH you would expect one to at least reply texts or calls? No. They don’t. Not on time. I’m not talking about 10 mins or 20 mins late it’s HOURS…

A little about me is that I’m a Dip. student who is currently doing industrial training (intern) for 3 months. I applied the company as a graphic designer only and it’s my first time working too.

I work at a small company where my employer (also the owner) has 4 children who work under him and let me tell you, it is hell. I work on a different floor than my employer with two of his daughters which is the Art Director and (?) [I don’t really know what the other one does]. Both of them would rarely come to work. Absence in communication, planning etc. happens every single day. Since they barely come to work as they state they’re WFH you would expect one to at least reply texts or calls? No. They don’t. Not on time. I’m not talking about 10 mins or 20 mins late it’s HOURS or even DAYS sometimes no reply at all :D. Even if they come to work, no communication whatsoever.

Moreover, they would ask me to do their work for them that their dad asked them to do. So i did. Completed on time. They would sometimes tell me to do stuff that isn’t related to what i applied as at all. Recently, they told me to design a website for them and they wanted it in ONE DAY. I told then I’m not so good with websites since I don’t have any experience of making one. They told me to just give ideas and they would put it and so i did. But, in the end they told me to put it myself. So i worked overtime until 9 pm.

Now two of the daughters and the father are currently out of the country. Their father has a meeting with people?? Outside of the country but i have no idea why they went too…? They were apparently having fun from what i see from their instagram through my colleagues. So one day i went to work, opened up the website and everything i did. All my hard work gone. Layouts, fonts, pics, vids ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING in that website was gone, changed and incomplete even. No one cared to tell me anything. I found out that the Art director changed everything. Without any reason as to why. Now there aren’t any proof that i did those work :D.

I told one of my colleague it was crucial for me to document any work i did including screenshots of it. She told me to “move on it happens”. I don’t mind getting my work deleted but the least you could do is tell me, text me, call me, anything. The whole day at work while working on the website I didn’t eat nor drink since they wanted it on the day itself and more to that I am inexperienced. I’m tired and demotivated to do anything at all. Every day i just feel like I’m being drained to the core. If this is what i have to go through at work, I’m just thinking about freelancing in the future. Continue my degree after this and just idk. Idk anymore.

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