
I’m tired. Anti-Capitalism Rant.

I just started a new job at a call center two weeks ago, making a whopping $16 an hour and I’m already incredibly sick and tired of it. Not only are the pay and benefits garbage, but the people I work with are so incompetent and useless. It’s a completely soulless job, which I expected, but it just makes me hate capitalism even more because even while doing this type of work I’m still making barely enough to skate by. I only get 4.5 PTO days a year which is practically nothing and it’s frustrating because this company likes to market themselves as having a flexible schedule but if I want that flexibility I won’t be paid for it and can’t use PTO to cover it since there’s barely any to begin with. It’s quite ironic because my job requires me to assist people with their health insurance benefits yet…

I just started a new job at a call center two weeks ago, making a whopping $16 an hour and I’m already incredibly sick and tired of it. Not only are the pay and benefits garbage, but the people I work with are so incompetent and useless. It’s a completely soulless job, which I expected, but it just makes me hate capitalism even more because even while doing this type of work I’m still making barely enough to skate by. I only get 4.5 PTO days a year which is practically nothing and it’s frustrating because this company likes to market themselves as having a flexible schedule but if I want that flexibility I won’t be paid for it and can’t use PTO to cover it since there’s barely any to begin with.

It’s quite ironic because my job requires me to assist people with their health insurance benefits yet I barely even have health insurance myself. I have the lowest of the low health insurance and can’t get an upgrade until I’ve been with the company for at least a year. I don’t know why I’m even typing this out. I guess I just needed to rant because I’m so tired of these dead end jobs but can’t seem to get anything better even though I have a bachelors degree. I’m just tired and frustrated.

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