
I’m tired of being punished for getting sick

I've been at my current employer for about 2 years now and about a year ago, we were acquired by a new company. With the old company, you had unlimited sick days and you only needed to prove you were sick if you wanted to get paid for that sick day. With our new company, however, you need to prove sickness if you call off sick. I've been feeling absolutely awful for the past three days so I called off from my shift tomorrow. I can't get a doctors note because I cannot afford health insurance or a trip to a doctor and therefore my impending absence has gotten me a citation due to the possibility that I could be lying about being sick. I honestly don't understand the logic behind this. Even if I was faking being sick, why would that even matter? If I don't show up, you…

I've been at my current employer for about 2 years now and about a year ago, we were acquired by a new company. With the old company, you had unlimited sick days and you only needed to prove you were sick if you wanted to get paid for that sick day. With our new company, however, you need to prove sickness if you call off sick.

I've been feeling absolutely awful for the past three days so I called off from my shift tomorrow. I can't get a doctors note because I cannot afford health insurance or a trip to a doctor and therefore my impending absence has gotten me a citation due to the possibility that I could be lying about being sick.

I honestly don't understand the logic behind this. Even if I was faking being sick, why would that even matter? If I don't show up, you don't pay me and I let you guys know more than 10 hours in advance so that gives plenty of time to find coverage.

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