
I’m tired of work politics

Today was the last day of one of my favorite colleagues. She worked with us for almost 2 years and we all liked her a lot, for her competence and how nice and calm she is even when she had to put out fires started by others. But her abilities weren't being recognised by the powers that be so she accepted a better offer. She focused solely on her job and not the politics that some people are playing to lick the boots of the Deputy Director and the Director. We had a farewell party for her where we all shared why she was going to be missed and at some point after giving her the gift we bought and taking out the drinks and food, the Director interrupted us because it's the Deputy Director's birthday. Another colleague walked in with at least 20 balloons and a card. She proceeded…

Today was the last day of one of my favorite colleagues. She worked with us for almost 2 years and we all liked her a lot, for her competence and how nice and calm she is even when she had to put out fires started by others. But her abilities weren't being recognised by the powers that be so she accepted a better offer. She focused solely on her job and not the politics that some people are playing to lick the boots of the Deputy Director and the Director.

We had a farewell party for her where we all shared why she was going to be missed and at some point after giving her the gift we bought and taking out the drinks and food, the Director interrupted us because it's the Deputy Director's birthday. Another colleague walked in with at least 20 balloons and a card.

She proceeded to read the card to him and praise him while my poor former colleague and the rest of the team where staring in disbelief at her shamelessly taking over a goddamn farewell party to advance herself. We were all shocked and angry. The worst part of it is that this behavior will probably serve her well for her career because those 2 fuck*** encourage and reward that behavior.

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