
I’m unsure whether to quit job or stick it out.

I’m 24 years old, live with parents with few bills to pay. I have a good amount of savings as the last 18 months at a company I worked as a quality engineer but I got demoted the last 2 months to a regular job at a warehouse. My pay has stayed the same at 55k but now I work with a supervisor who is constantly belittling and disrespecting me these past months. It’s to the point that I simply can’t handle this disrespect anymore. I’ve been applying to other engineering jobs these last 2 months but still no hit even though I’ve been to some interviews. It’s hard working full time and applying to other jobs so I’m not sure whether I should keep making money and sticking out with this miserable job or go full time in applying for jobs?

I’m 24 years old, live with parents with few bills to pay. I have a good amount of savings as the last 18 months at a company I worked as a quality engineer but I got demoted the last 2 months to a regular job at a warehouse. My pay has stayed the same at 55k but now I work with a supervisor who is constantly belittling and disrespecting me these past months. It’s to the point that I simply can’t handle this disrespect anymore. I’ve been applying to other engineering jobs these last 2 months but still no hit even though I’ve been to some interviews. It’s hard working full time and applying to other jobs so I’m not sure whether I should keep making money and sticking out with this miserable job or go full time in applying for jobs?

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