
I’m useless

I honestly don't know where I veered so off the path of find any kind of success. I'm to college and can't get an internship. I barely managed to get a dead-end job at the start of the pandemic and I've been applying to other things ever since. I've been on all the job posting sites, even craiglist. I've only run into scams ghost postings. Or maybe they see my resume and don't even think I'm worth it. I can barely compete when I'm sitting next to people who had a leg up by asking family members to give them an internship or a job closely related to the field they want. I know the chance are is that I'm the problem but I've been actively searching and working consistently. I'm trying and I want to work but its really like what's the point of me continuing this. it's endless…

I honestly don't know where I veered so off the path of find any kind of success. I'm to college and can't get an internship. I barely managed to get a dead-end job at the start of the pandemic and I've been applying to other things ever since. I've been on all the job posting sites, even craiglist. I've only run into scams ghost postings. Or maybe they see my resume and don't even think I'm worth it. I can barely compete when I'm sitting next to people who had a leg up by asking family members to give them an internship or a job closely related to the field they want.

I know the chance are is that I'm the problem but I've been actively searching and working consistently. I'm trying and I want to work but its really like what's the point of me continuing this. it's endless and I can't compete. I don't understand how it was easier for me to get multiple callbacks for competition reality shows rather than job interviews.

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