
I’m very happy.

Some of you may or may not remember my post in this sub about me working a call center job back in 2022 that was gearing up to fire me most likely due to over hiring. Well, I quit, was in limbo for three ish months, then landed my current job. I’m a senior social media manager for about ~40 clients. My job consists of me posting graphics and captions made by the graphic design department and optimizing pages from time to time. That’s it. Out of the 8 hr workday, my work totals about 2 hrs. We post using a hosting site that pushes out the posts to the different social media platforms, so I’m able to work from my phone or laptop, which means I have freedom to go out and about during the day. The culture at my job is amazing as well—I started in June of…

Some of you may or may not remember my post in this sub about me working a call center job back in 2022 that was gearing up to fire me most likely due to over hiring. Well, I quit, was in limbo for three ish months, then landed my current job. I’m a senior social media manager for about ~40 clients. My job consists of me posting graphics and captions made by the graphic design department and optimizing pages from time to time. That’s it. Out of the 8 hr workday, my work totals about 2 hrs. We post using a hosting site that pushes out the posts to the different social media platforms, so I’m able to work from my phone or laptop, which means I have freedom to go out and about during the day. The culture at my job is amazing as well—I started in June of 2022 and casually mentioned that I was getting married. HR asked for my registry and sent my husband and I a really nice gift. I was also able to take off five days PTO for my wedding that next month after I had just started in June. They love giving out gift cards for the hell of it lol—even if there’s a contest, they give out gift cards to all the participants. Today is my first day back from our paid week and a half-long winter break. There’s also so many growth opportunities—I found out before our winter break that they want to appoint me to the board of contract negotiation for a prospective client. I still have health insurance through my moms job, but will be getting kicked off this year because I’m turning 26 and I don’t feel dread—my job has free dental coverage, amazing vision (mainly for my husband lol), and health. With this job, my husband and I are able to rent a very nice townhome, I can buy all the bullshit that makes my inner child happy lol, and my husband and I have committed to visiting one new place every year. This year, we’re looking at Japan. I can confidently say that I’m comfortable and happy with how my life is going. Keep fighting, comrades! 🙂

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