
Impossible to figure out what a job actually entails when the ad is written in the lost language of Humanresourcese

What did the ancients mean when they said they wanted someone to “identify and implement changes to workflow and configuration to optimize performance” and “monitor and analyze performance metrics to continuously improve effectiveness”? Did they ever find the motivated self-starter with a positive attitude and a customer-focused approach that the prophecies spoke of? We may never know. But we do know that this civilization apparently had no system of numbers, because they were incapable of including a salary range anywhere.

What did the ancients mean when they said they wanted someone to “identify and implement changes to workflow and configuration to optimize performance” and “monitor and analyze performance metrics to continuously improve effectiveness”? Did they ever find the motivated self-starter with a positive attitude and a customer-focused approach that the prophecies spoke of?

We may never know. But we do know that this civilization apparently had no system of numbers, because they were incapable of including a salary range anywhere.

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