
In a weird spot

Some background, I was laid off 1 year ago from my FT job of 21 years…I was allowed to collect pogey, and still currently file for hours worked to E.I (called Employment Insurance in Canada) however, I haven't had a single payment from them since beginning of July, because I quit my then part time job of 5 weeks at the end of June, which was due to medical issues while working there…but at the same time that happened, I did manage to get another replacement casual part time job which I still work at, but due to this, my E.I “claim” is still under review for reason of separation from former part time job that I left for medical reasons, and I haven't had a payment from E.I since. Two weeks ago, I was offered another part time job, which I still am currently training for? That is a…

Some background, I was laid off 1 year ago from my FT job of 21 years…I was allowed to collect pogey, and still currently file for hours worked to E.I (called Employment Insurance in Canada) however, I haven't had a single payment from them since beginning of July, because I quit my then part time job of 5 weeks at the end of June, which was due to medical issues while working there…but at the same time that happened, I did manage to get another replacement casual part time job which I still work at, but due to this, my E.I “claim” is still under review for reason of separation from former part time job that I left for medical reasons, and I haven't had a payment from E.I since. Two weeks ago, I was offered another part time job, which I still am currently training for? That is a different story all together…anyhow…Before I got this other part time job, I had applied to a Government Funded online community college course which is more in line with the job market I wish to pursue, and I was waitlisted…I did apply late, and didn't think I would get in…but low and behold..I got in! The online course times are between 12:00 -14:00 Tues/Wed/Thurs and 8 Hrs on Sat) The casual PT job “might” be ending soon due to tourism ending, and as for the other new PT job, which I haven't full on started yet, I am still in training which is a joke, I will be scheduled to work Sun, Mon, Tues 15:00 – 00:00…so I believe this will be doable. My main concern now is this new PT job, which so far has been dodgy…There has been a lot to learn (it is a cab dispatch job), the main training lady went on vacation for a week last week, so my training was cut short…she is back today, and the owner said to just call her and get scheduled in for more training this week, but this course starts this week too…seeing how E.I will surely cut me off now due to starting this college course…I am nervous as all hell here…I still have some severance money left over from my former FT job of 21 years which I got laid off from a year ago, but I am wondering if I have taken on more than I can chew atm. I haven't been able to land a good paying job in the digital marketing field with my current background skills, so I feel this extra credential will help me boost me into the job market way better. The PT cab dispatch job is a joke, and is super stressful too…ugh. I hope things work out here…I have a lot to juggle atm. I hope things settle down and I can balance this out. Thanks for reading.

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