
In case you didn’t know – All HR are bastards (AHRAB)

I don't think the majority of this sub realizes what HR actually does. Seems like every other post here mentions how the OP went to HR and they did nothing to help. That is entirely by design. HR exists to protect the company, not to protect or even help the employees. HR is like the private corporate analog to cops. Both only exist to protect those that gave them any power to begin with. HR will only help individual employees when not helping would put the company at some sort of risk. Stop going to HR with the expectation that they care about your well-being. They don't. You're only giving them ammo to let you go later because you are drawing attention to yourself as a trouble maker.

I don't think the majority of this sub realizes what HR actually does. Seems like every other post here mentions how the OP went to HR and they did nothing to help. That is entirely by design. HR exists to protect the company, not to protect or even help the employees.

HR is like the private corporate analog to cops. Both only exist to protect those that gave them any power to begin with. HR will only help individual employees when not helping would put the company at some sort of risk.

Stop going to HR with the expectation that they care about your well-being. They don't. You're only giving them ammo to let you go later because you are drawing attention to yourself as a trouble maker.

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