
In need of some advice.

I'm 17, and working my first job. I've been here for roughly 10 months. I love parts of it, and definently hate some of it. I get along great with most of my coworkers, I love my customers, and I love being independent. I am trying to save up money before heading to college, because now, when I'm not responsible for bills feels like a great time to focus on that. But, ever since I started the job, I have had a major issue with my boss. She's very, very micromanaging, and I can't ever get anything done because she's always hovering over my shoulder. I get it. I'm a teenager in my first job and she's the owner of a small business. She wants to make sure I don't screw up. But it's getting to the point where it's taking a toll on my mental health. A couple days…

I'm 17, and working my first job. I've been here for roughly 10 months. I love parts of it, and definently hate some of it. I get along great with most of my coworkers, I love my customers, and I love being independent. I am trying to save up money before heading to college, because now, when I'm not responsible for bills feels like a great time to focus on that. But, ever since I started the job, I have had a major issue with my boss. She's very, very micromanaging, and I can't ever get anything done because she's always hovering over my shoulder. I get it. I'm a teenager in my first job and she's the owner of a small business. She wants to make sure I don't screw up. But it's getting to the point where it's taking a toll on my mental health. A couple days ago, however, I think she crossed a line. I broke my glasses a few weeks ago, and had to go in to get my prescription fixed. In getting tested for new lenses, my eye doctor realized something was wrong, so he did more tests. And those more tests turned in to even more tests. Ruling things out just led us further down the rabbit hole, and now the only thing he can figure out might be wrong is that I have a brain tumor on my pituitary. So I have an mri next week to find out. Anyways, shortly after I broke my glasses, I did a shift and we get orders in from Doordash on this little tablet that even my coworkers who can see great struggle with, but I miss entered something from the tablet into the POS on accident, and my boss told me to go home and not come back until I got new glasses. So I left. About a week later, I texted her to let her know what was going on, so that she could be looped in. She didn't respond to me. And, she hasn't reached out since. Until a couple days ago when she texted and asked if I was coming in this week. I said no, because I'm still going through testing and don't have glasses yet. She told me that I couldn't come in without glasses, but also that if she didn't see me working by the end of next week, I'm going to be “facing consequences”, so I said that I'll let her know if I can come back in. I'm not sure what to do about it. Should I go back in, or should I just quit?

TL;DR: I broke my glasses and my boss told me not to come back in until I can see again, testing for new lens prescription led to possible brain tumor discovery, boss wants me back in, but still not without glasses, lack of glasses is out of my control, should I quit?

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