
Incentives for new workers, nothing for those of us already here

I work in a factory, been here for 5 years and it hasn’t been too bad. It’s probably the best place in my area, even with its downsides. As expected, management is trash and the only thing worth staying here for is the pay and the people I work with. The next best option is over an hour drive away, and that’s just not something I’m personally willing to do daily, so I’m content enough here. There’s some of us who’ve been here for 20+ years, and recently they’ve had to merge another factory into ours, some of those employees being let go or voluntarily seeking other employment elsewhere, but the others were given a $5,000 per 3 month incentive to come here, topping out at 9 month. That’s $15,000 in total. Half of the new employees have already talked about quitting once they get their last bonus, and obviously…

I work in a factory, been here for 5 years and it hasn’t been too bad. It’s probably the best place in my area, even with its downsides. As expected, management is trash and the only thing worth staying here for is the pay and the people I work with. The next best option is over an hour drive away, and that’s just not something I’m personally willing to do daily, so I’m content enough here.

There’s some of us who’ve been here for 20+ years, and recently they’ve had to merge another factory into ours, some of those employees being let go or voluntarily seeking other employment elsewhere, but the others were given a $5,000 per 3 month incentive to come here, topping out at 9 month.

That’s $15,000 in total. Half of the new employees have already talked about quitting once they get their last bonus, and obviously nobody is mentioning this to the higher ups because some of us would do the same in their shoes. We’re not even getting training pay like we normally would for training them.

It’s just aggravating that over the years the only bonus most of us have gotten was a giftcard for the company store, $5 credit for snacks in the canteen, or sandwich/pizza parties. The ones that have been here for much longer cant even recall getting anything remotely close to this bonus. And I already know management is going to act so confused and cry “we could not have anticipated this” when 9 months from now they lose 30+ workers that they have just handed money to.

Recently they’ve been running this place horribly, before it was at least bearable, but now they’re firing good workers over small disagreements, taking approved vacation away after it was already used and using attendance points (which has resulted in some losing their jobs), and even going as far as suggesting (but not outright saying) cutting corners to improve production time — risking safety and quality. We’re watching them ruin this place and all anybody can say is “yep, that’s what I expected” This bonus was just the last straw for some because it shows that they can do right by us, but they won’t.

Why doesn’t anyone want to speak up? I understand if only a couple people were unhappy they’d be afraid of losing their jobs, but frankly it seems everybody is tired of how this is going. But nobody wants to do anything about it? I don’t know jack about unions, I mentioned it to a few coworkers outside of work and they just shrugged and said it’s a lost cause. I know people are afraid to go against management because if they decide they don’t like you, they can just find any reason to fire you, and being an “at will” state makes that pretty easy. But if everyone goes against them, they can’t fire us all right?

I want this place to be where I retire. This used to be that place, I know it can be better again. But I feel like im watching it slowly crumble and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

I had to rant, sorry. But if you made it this far then thanks for listening.

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