
Income inequality is outrageous in America

I had a conversation with a friend of mine and he told me he was thinking of cashing out $2 million dollars from a investment that he has and he is planning to buy a house in the south of Spain. Yeah it’s crazy. First of all I don’t know how much a house costs there and second the idea of cashing out of an investment at this level and buying something 90% of Americans can never do. Then I watched videos on YouTube and Tik Tok of ordinary people struggling to buy homes, pay rent and buy groceries and so on and I am absolutely horrified by where we are going as a society. Income inequality at this level is going to damage this country for generations to come. For folks scared we will become a dystopia it’s already here. We are a dystopian hellscape now. If you must…

I had a conversation with a friend of mine and he told me he was thinking of cashing out $2 million dollars from a investment that he has and he is planning to buy a house in the south of Spain. Yeah it’s crazy. First of all I don’t know how much a house costs there and second the idea of cashing out of an investment at this level and buying something 90% of Americans can never do.

Then I watched videos on YouTube and Tik Tok of ordinary people struggling to buy homes, pay rent and buy groceries and so on and I am absolutely horrified by where we are going as a society.

Income inequality at this level is going to damage this country for generations to come.

For folks scared we will become a dystopia it’s already here. We are a dystopian hellscape now. If you must live with 6 people to afford an average apartment or house that’s crazy.

There are folks on YouTube and TikTok and X waiting for the collapse of American society. You don’t have to wait. We are here and the collapse is here. If you can’t live on one paycheck and every member of your family must work to just live that’s a collapse. If you have people racking up more money in one lifetime that would take someone else ten lifetimes. That’s a collapse. That’s not America functioning normally.

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