
Industrialization is the worst thing to have ever happened to…. me…

This title may seem trite but I say me specifically for two reasons. Usually people say “industrialization is the worst thing to happen to civilization”. Whether that be true false or in between many people point out all the good it has done for society as a whole. I think often times people really overlook how it has affected peoples lives as individuals. I say me because of the aformentioned example and specifically because I have asthma. I grew up poor with depressed blue collar smokers for parents, lived in a moldy basement, worked mixing cement, welding, brake factory, plumber and maintenance. All lung destroying jobs. You can't argue about all the great things the industrial revolution has made but we shouldn't ignore the individuals who pretty much sacrificed their lives to make it happen.

This title may seem trite but I say me specifically for two reasons.

  1. Usually people say “industrialization is the worst thing to happen to civilization”. Whether that be true false or in between many people point out all the good it has done for society as a whole. I think often times people really overlook how it has affected peoples lives as individuals.

  2. I say me because of the aformentioned example and specifically because I have asthma. I grew up poor with depressed blue collar smokers for parents, lived in a moldy basement, worked mixing cement, welding, brake factory, plumber and maintenance. All lung destroying jobs.

You can't argue about all the great things the industrial revolution has made but we shouldn't ignore the individuals who pretty much sacrificed their lives to make it happen.

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