
Injured at work, warnings and threats ensue. Advice?

Hi everyone, Throwaway account here for privacy. I tried posting this to r/work but it was unfortunately rejected, so I am seeking help here. A few couple weeks ago, I was injured at work due to a faulty component. Without getting too specific on the injury, I did spend some time in the ER and have been attending regular doctors visits for the injury. When I returned to work while experiencing symptoms of continued injury and was berated and questioned about my return by one of the owners who was not an HR Representative. At my job, I have never been written up or received a verbal warning, though I imagine they could say any number of comments have counted as verbal warnings. However today, I was talked to by the HR department and informed I have been put on a written warning for not following company policy. I have…

Hi everyone,

Throwaway account here for privacy. I tried posting this to r/work but it was unfortunately rejected, so I am seeking help here.

A few couple weeks ago, I was injured at work due to a faulty component. Without getting too specific on the injury, I did spend some time in the ER and have been attending regular doctors visits for the injury. When I returned to work while experiencing symptoms of continued injury and was berated and questioned about my return by one of the owners who was not an HR Representative.

At my job, I have never been written up or received a verbal warning, though I imagine they could say any number of comments have counted as verbal warnings.

However today, I was talked to by the HR department and informed I have been put on a written warning for not following company policy. I have searched and have found 0 record of this policy being written in any company documentation. I do have some proof to refute the claims, however, I believe this will do nothing.

I feel that these events are retaliation due to me becoming a liability at my work and that they are “building” up a case to fire me. Is there anything I can do? Anything I SHOULD do?

I apologize for the messiness of this post. I am frazzled and trying to word this as best as I can. There is more information to this story, but it may become too muddled, I will gladly answer questions. Any and all advice is appreciated.

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