
Injured on a work trial

Hello antiwork Reddit people, I hope you are well. I am in the UK. I just wanted to share my experience that has really put me off trying to find work for now. I am a university student so I am focusing on that anyway but I've been trying to build a life and get off disability benefits. My health issues will never go away but I'm glad to say I have the right mix of medications now that enable me to have a somewhat normal function. I cannot work full time but I need money to save to move to study abroad. In early July this year I was so excited because after 6+ months of trying (no one wants to hire me because I am restricted with the hours I can work because of my benefits) I had a job trial at a local hotel, working as an…

Hello antiwork Reddit people, I hope you are well.

I am in the UK.

I just wanted to share my experience that has really put me off trying to find work for now.

I am a university student so I am focusing on that anyway but I've been trying to build a life and get off disability benefits. My health issues will never go away but I'm glad to say I have the right mix of medications now that enable me to have a somewhat normal function. I cannot work full time but I need money to save to move to study abroad.

In early July this year I was so excited because after 6+ months of trying (no one wants to hire me because I am restricted with the hours I can work because of my benefits) I had a job trial at a local hotel, working as an event waitress at a 50th birthday party.

It was going perfectly, I was loving the work and working with the people – then half an hour before the shift end, I slipped on an unmarked wet floor as I left the kitchen and cut open the back of my head badly on a sharp piece of decor, a good 3/4 inch and wide gash that bled badly.

I was taken straight to A+E with a girl who worked there who was asked to take me there and home, which was kind. But then the woman tried to insinuate I was clumsy, asking me if I was clumsy. When I said no I am not and that I had been handling heavy dinner plates and drinks trays fine all evening, she had a face like a smacked arse.

Then, despite my reaching out. They have never contacted me again. I've tried to not let it hurt me but for me to be injured at work because of someone else's incompetence and then just dumped like I am nothing makes me hurt and angry. It's knocked my confidence a lot too.

Like, I am a human being and they didn't even contact me to ask if I was ok? I had to have my head glued and stitched FFS.

I want to sue.

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