
Interview processes in other countries

I have a friend who recently got a job in marketing. To get this job, he had to complete four different interviews, one of which was four hours long. I know this sort of thing is commonplace. It’s not like this for every job in America, of course, but it seems increasingly the case for many, many jobs. I also know that, as long and grueling a process as this was, it’s not the longest or most grueling out there. I’m wondering if this is just an American thing. Does it happen in other countries?

I have a friend who recently got a job in marketing. To get this job, he had to complete four different interviews, one of which was four hours long. I know this sort of thing is commonplace. It’s not like this for every job in America, of course, but it seems increasingly the case for many, many jobs. I also know that, as long and grueling a process as this was, it’s not the longest or most grueling out there.

I’m wondering if this is just an American thing. Does it happen in other countries?

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