
Interviewer can’t handle the truth

Years ago I was repeatedly pestered by this recruiter to take a phone interview. It wasn’t my dream job, but I reluctantly agreed. The interview started pretty uneventfully. Then the guy asked me “why do you want this job?”. I can’t be too honest and say “I don’t really, but the recruiter would not stop pestering me about doing this interview”, so I straight up told him why I would want any job: “so that I can pay my bills”. That did not go over well. He ended the interview right then. My recruiter ghosted me as well. First of all, why do interviewers insist on asking these moronic, cliched questions that everyone has heard a thousand times, that only get the same moronic, cliched answers? Second, why is it so offensive to him that I was being totally honest with my answer? Does he really think most people go…

Years ago I was repeatedly pestered by this recruiter to take a phone interview. It wasn’t my dream job, but I reluctantly agreed.

The interview started pretty uneventfully. Then the guy asked me “why do you want this job?”.

I can’t be too honest and say “I don’t really, but the recruiter would not stop pestering me about doing this interview”, so I straight up told him why I would want any job: “so that I can pay my bills”.

That did not go over well. He ended the interview right then. My recruiter ghosted me as well.

First of all, why do interviewers insist on asking these moronic, cliched questions that everyone has heard a thousand times, that only get the same moronic, cliched answers?

Second, why is it so offensive to him that I was being totally honest with my answer? Does he really think most people go to a job to “find their passion in life” or some other BS like that?

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