
Interviewer was surprised I knew the salary range (Update)

Link to previous post here So an update.. The position I applied for was internal to the bigger company that is the umbrella to the company I work for. Our head finance guy did the interview. My own boss suggested I apply for the QA position that had opened. HR director says I should apply. Her boss says I should apply. Finance guy says I should apply. I apply and do what I did in the previous post. This week I was told they were going with a different candidate… frustrating, but somewhat expected since finance guy was speechless in the interview. I was helping out in the office with the director of this smaller company. She loves having me there and wants me to be full time in the office instead of working at the residential care house. She has a meeting with the finance guy and he tells…

Link to previous post here

So an update..

The position I applied for was internal to the bigger company that is the umbrella to the company I work for. Our head finance guy did the interview. My own boss suggested I apply for the QA position that had opened. HR director says I should apply. Her boss says I should apply. Finance guy says I should apply.

I apply and do what I did in the previous post.

This week I was told they were going with a different candidate… frustrating, but somewhat expected since finance guy was speechless in the interview. I was helping out in the office with the director of this smaller company. She loves having me there and wants me to be full time in the office instead of working at the residential care house. She has a meeting with the finance guy and he tells her: “You can't afford TooAnxious, plus the audit is over. Put him back in the house.”

I'm upset. Hurt. Even more depressed and anxious than I was before. Money is too tight.. Some emergency happens every 30 days where I need to spend money I don't have to fix an important item.

My director is also upset and is trying to fight tooth and nail for me. I appreciate her, but I also can't wait forever. I'm thinking of waiting 3-6 months to see what happens. I'm the mean time, I'm going to update my resume. I need something less stressful and better pay.

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