
Intoxicated boss tells me I’m not living up to the company’s expectations.

Burner account so I can keep my job long enough to find a new one. I work for a fairly new company. It's just me, my manager, and a couple other people trying to get this thing off the ground. I originally took the job because it paid well, and I was doing my manager a favor. He's a family friend, and I was happy to help him out. We'll call him Dan. My job has quickly grown beyond just “helping out”, and while I'm grateful for the opportunity to grow with the company, Dan's idea of jobsite training is “figure it out.” For context, I work in an office job. I have no business training (other than a few basic courses I took on my own time), and even though I've been to uni, my degree is in a completely different field. I can say with confidence I have no idea…

Burner account so I can keep my job long enough to find a new one.

I work for a fairly new company. It's just me, my manager, and a couple other people trying to get this thing off the ground. I originally took the job because it paid well, and I was doing my manager a favor. He's a family friend, and I was happy to help him out. We'll call him Dan.

My job has quickly grown beyond just “helping out”, and while I'm grateful for the opportunity to grow with the company, Dan's idea of jobsite training is “figure it out.” For context, I work in an office job. I have no business training (other than a few basic courses I took on my own time), and even though I've been to uni, my degree is in a completely different field. I can say with confidence I have no idea how to build a company, and don't have much insight when it comes to the business field. But I try my best with what I know, ask questions when I have them, and do my damndest to make sure my role benefits the workplace.

Welp, earlier this week I found out that wasn't enough. Dan called me into a meeting, and the room REEKED like beer. Dan was obviously super intoxicated. He proceeded to say that I was not living up to the expectations he'd had when he hired me. He'd been hoping I'd be someone who could provide insight into building the business and helping it grow, and I wasn't doing that. I had no idea what to say. Hell, I didn't even know if he knew what he was saying.

Up until this point, I hadn't been aware there had been any problem with how I was doing my job. Dan likes to brag to customers that I'm the heart and soul of the operation, so this genuinely threw me for a loop. I asked him where I was failing to meet his expectations, and he couldn't give me an answer. I repeated the question several times during the meeting and he would always deflect. Honestly, I don't think he has a clear idea of what he wants from me.

On a side note, I am fully aware that Dan is drinking his family to ruin, so seeing that he can't even keep the beer to after hours pisses me off. I understand addiction is a bitch, and is incredibly difficult to beat, but the man isn't even trying.

So, if anyone has any tips or advice what to do in this situation, hmu. Right now my plan is to grin and bear it until I can find a different job that will allow me to keep putting food on the table.

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