
Investigated at work for editing my own forwarded email

I’m stuck in corporate hell. I’m being formally investigated at work for editing a forwarded email of mine. The edits were done to add clarity and context and remove some awkward wording and some private information. It was not clear the edits had been made. The email was an explanation to a friend about a problem going on at work with my boss, that I sent on to her boss. I didn’t change anything to hide anything. I didn’t realize this would be considered unethical. The investigator worked with IT to get the original and highlighted all the differences in the two emails. I guess it’s implied when you’re forwarding that it’s verbatim and not changed? In addition I’m being investigated for stuff my boss made up. Hilariously she said I refused to do edits when I have in writing me saying “I’ll redo the reports however you want as…

I’m stuck in corporate hell. I’m being formally investigated at work for editing a forwarded email of mine. The edits were done to add clarity and context and remove some awkward wording and some private information. It was not clear the edits had been made.

The email was an explanation to a friend about a problem going on at work with my boss, that I sent on to her boss. I didn’t change anything to hide anything. I didn’t realize this would be considered unethical. The investigator worked with IT to get the original and highlighted all the differences in the two emails. I guess it’s implied when you’re forwarding that it’s verbatim and not changed?

In addition I’m being investigated for stuff my boss made up. Hilariously she said I refused to do edits when I have in writing me saying “I’ll redo the reports however you want as many times as you want”. She also reported me for missing deadlines, deadlines she had me set that were internal and flexible according to the program managers. External deadlines have been met every time. Finally the last accusation was providing inaccurate reports, when my final versions have never contained inaccuracies, we’ve differed on the way to present information.

Yesterday I got off a call with our grant funder who said they’re using my reports as examples for other states to follow, to have this disciplinary call. My coworkers and former bosses and I get along swimmingly, no complaints. It’s banananas.

I brought up my manager’s ongoing bullying behavior in July and September to the appropriate parties and heard nothing back. I’m now escalating to HR and involving the union. I’m trying everything to leave this absolute cesspool of clowns. I’m hoping this investigation doesn’t derail an internal transfer I’m trying to make.

Thanks for reading. I just want to disappear and go forage for berries and fish at this point. I have always hated working, I think it’s some weird form of indentured servitude. I hope capitalism fails.

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